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Historic Landmarks of

Colfax, Indiana

Colfax is a town in Southwestern Clinton County, about 30 miles north of Indianapolis.

Colfax Indiana - Rosenberger Building

Rosenberger Building, circa 1850

83 Old Main Street

A quaint multi-dwelling home. Notice the colorful door and window treatment. (Apparently the building originally had a porch.)

One-Part Vertical Block style.


Colfax Indiana Carnegie Library

Colfax Carnegie Library, 1917

207 South Clark Street.

This building has elements of the Italianate style. Fashionable in England and the U.S. in the 1840's and 1850's, Italianate is characterized by low-pitched, heavily-bracketed roofs.

This building is similar in style to the Thorntown Public Library.

Photos on this page are courtesy of the photographer, Mike Habeck ( Mike is with EcoIndiana and, in addition to being concerned about historic architecture, is also looking out for the state's natural environment. Our thanks to Mike for sharing these photos with us.

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